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Instant Estimate

To get an instant estimate, you'll need to take a few measurements around your home. This page will walk you through that process.

Step 1: How to Measure

First, watch this video to learn how to properly measure your home:

This information is also available as downloadable document:

Measuring rule of thumb 👍

Concrete construction

Measure inside of any opening and add 8" to the width and height - the panel will overlap the openings by 4" all around.

Wood Construction

Measure inside of any opening and add 4" to the width and height - the panel will overlap the openings by 2" all around.

Step 2: Measure!

Now that you know how to properly measure your home, you will need to go take the measurements, and write them down as you go.

Step 3: Instant Estimate

Now that you have your measurements, you can use our free online estimate tool

Astroguard Estimate  Astroflex Estimate

Unsure which to choose?
Read more about Astroguard and Astroflex.